Filtering by: General Session

Plenary Session
9:00 AM09:00

Plenary Session

This 45-minute plenary discussion will zone in on the spectrum of collective action and systems-level approaches needed to optimise gender-smart capital deployment. Plenary moderator Laurie Spengler, CEO, Courageous Capital Advisors, will lead three panelists representing the voices of institutional capital and leadership in discussion, to untangle challenges and unearth tangible next steps.

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Fireside Chat: Suzanne Biegel in Conversation with Kshama Fernandes
4:15 PM16:15

Fireside Chat: Suzanne Biegel in Conversation with Kshama Fernandes

GenderSmart Co-Founder Suzanne Biegel interviews Northern Arc's Dr Kshama Fernandes about the journey of traction to transformation: what it looks like in practice, challenges along the risk and return spectrum, and what it means to scale up innovative approaches in the gender finance field for deeper, sustained impact.

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Ignite: Sandrine Dixson-Declève on Climate and Gender
9:00 AM09:00

Ignite: Sandrine Dixson-Declève on Climate and Gender

Ignites are talks by inspirational leaders in gender finance and adjacent fields, designed to kickstart action and new ideas. Our first is by Sandrine Dixson-Declève, an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader, on the intersection of gender and finance.

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