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Ignite: Sandrine Dixson-Declève on Climate and Gender

Sandra Dixson Decleve

Ignites are short, powerful talks by inspirational leaders in gender finance and adjacent fields, designed to kickstart action and new ideas. They set the tone for the Summit, creating an electric atmosphere and empowering the audience. Each talk lasts 7 minutes.

Our first Ignite is by Sandrine Dixson-Declève, an international and European climate, energy, sustainable development, sustainable finance, complex systems thought leader. She is currently the Co-President of the Club of Rome and divides her time between lecturing, facilitating difficult conversations and advisory work. In her recent TED talk, she shares what we’ve learned in the 50 years since the publication of the “Limits to Growth” report– and discusses the launch of Earth4All: an initiative aimed at focusing on five key areas that could enable humanity and the planet to thrive.

She currently Chairs the European Commission, Expert Group on Economic and Societal Impact of Research & Innovation (ESIR) and sits on the European Commission’s Sustainable Finance Platform. She also sits on several Boards & Advisory Boards including EDP, BMW, UCB, Climate KIC, UCL Bartlett School of Environment Energy & Resources, IEEP, Laudes Foundation and is a Senior Associate and faculty member of the Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL). In addition, she is an Ambassador, for the Energy Transition Commission (ETC) and the Well Being Alliance (WeAll). In 2017 Sandrine co-founded the Women Enablers Change Agent Network (WECAN).

Sandrine tweets at @SDDecleve. You can also watch some Ignite talks from previous programming here